Nina bott biodata

Real name: Nina Bott
Born : January 1, 1978
Place of birth: Hamburg
Actress in germany
Ø 2002 she undressed for Playboy magazine.
Ø 1995 - Hamburg windsurfing championship.
Ø Aug 1997 and Sep2005 played Cora Hinze on German soap opera Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten.
Ø 1984 - 1992 various advertising spots (Livio- Ketchup, Pelikan, Sanostol)
Ø 1993 - Jugendfilm
Ø 1997 - advertising spots for Holsten
Ø 1997 - 2005 Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten
Ø 2001 - Hinter Gittern
Ø 2002 - Stern TV Nina Bott fat makeup
Ø 2002 - Kaptn Blaubär
Ø 2002 - Das beste Stuck
Ø 2002 - video of songs Die Welt steht still by the Sam Ragga Band
Ø 2004 - advertising spot gegen Gewalt an Kindern Against violence towards Children
Ø 2005 - advertising spot for Persil
Ø 2005 - 2006 Unter den Linden
Ø 2008 - 2010 Alles was zählt
Ø 2010 - Countdown - Die Jagd beginnt
Ø 2010 - Ich Bin Heiss
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